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A Few Things to Know about Panic Attacks

There are certain medical conditions that are very familiar to us nowadays. One good example is panic attacks. Many are times that people have been reported to have died as a result of panic attacks. One question that baffles many experts is whether people who use or hear the term are aware of what it actually mean. Panic attacks are characterized by a number of heightened physical symptoms such as chest tightness, a racing heartbeat, and intense feeling of dread. Unfortunately, most people only narrows panic attacks to the intense feeling of dread, forgetting the other equally detrimental symptoms. Notice that panic attacks can feel confusing and frightening especially for individuals who are experiencing their first panic attack. Furthermore, these symptoms often leave their victims completely exhausted. Note that panic attacks can appear randomly. However, there are instances when they have specific triggers.
So what exactly is a panic attack? It is a sudden, intense feeling of terror that can occur any time. Panic attacks do not often give their victims warning of any sort. There are instances when they happen at night when the victim is asleep. Another thing to remember is the fact that their length vary greatly. However, a typical panic attack lasts for about five to twenty minutes, with the level of anxiety reaching its peak within ten minutes. Cases where panic attacks persisting for a number of hours have also been reported. Most people often confuse panic attacks with a number of other relatable medical conditions. For instance, there is an obvious overlap of panic attack and anxiety attack physical symptoms. Note that anxiety attack are intense, short lived, and occur gradually with more prolonged symptoms such as persistent worry, irritability, and poor concentration. While panic attacks symptoms which are typically more sudden and defined by specific set of criteria. Heart attacks, on the other hand, are more serious and hence require immediate medical attention. However, it is important to note that there is an overlap of physical symptoms. Due to the seriousness of heart attacks, they must never be mistaken for panic attacks.

One question that is frequently asked is whether or not an individual can die from a panic attack. The answer is that the likelihood of an individual dying from a panic attack is significantly low despite the fact that the experience can be very scary, invoking a number of mental and physical health symptoms. Panic attacks are rarely life-threatening. However, it is crucial to note that panic attacks might trigger some other issues that might be life-threatening. Another common question about these attacks is whether one can pass out from them. Similarly, there is a low risk of passing out during a panic attack. The symptoms that characterized panic attacks include difficulty breathing, heart palpitations, chest pain or tightness, sweating and increase of body temperature, nausea, dizziness, smothering or chocking sensation, thoughts or fears of dying, and feeling weak or numb. In conclusion, it is noteworthy that there is no a single cause for panic attacks or disorder, instead several variables have been proposed.

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